Welcome to the RHS58 slideshow...we hope you'll enjoy it, and contribute photos to it.
The site will hold 500 photos maximum, 30 per album. To get started we've created 5 albums: '55th Reunion Highlights', 'Postcards from our 50th', '72 is the New 58', 'Mid-term Mini-reunions' and 'Nostalgia'.
When you want to add a photo
Click on 'Upload Your Photos'. On the page that shows up, click on 'Choose File'. You'll then have the opportunity to click on your photo file where it shows up on your computer.
(Hint: if you first place the photo on your desktop, it will be easy to find when you click 'Choose File'.)
Then enter a caption if you wish, and enter your name and email address.
Finally, click on 'Choose Preferred Album'. On the list you'll see '55th Reunion Highlights'. Choose this album if your photo was taken at our recent reunion.